What is DevOps?

Now a days you must have heard about DevOps and almost everybody wants to know about DevOps. I met few people and those are assuming it as its a new technology and few thinks it’s just a CI/CD. In this post I’ll try to explain what is DevOps and what is not DevOps.

First of all DevOps is not a Technology it’s a culture. DevOps word is combination of Development and Operation. Here, Development means Software Development Process and Operation means Production Environment maintenance and support.

What is DevOps

Basically DevOps is a culture that works on principal of Agile, Lean and ITIL (Software Maintenance and Support Practices). You all must know about Agile Methodology in which we break large chunk of requirements into small stories and plan a sprint for 2 to 4 week to build production ready software.

Lean is a process to remove wastage from the system. here wastage can be redundant work that can be automate and manual intervention can be removed or limit it.

While ITIL Process talks about how to manage and maintain software application and infrastructure in stage/production environment.

In DevOps all the teams e.g. Development, Testing and Operations work closely as a single team to achieve common goal.

DevOps changes the mindset as earlier Development team has no information about Production Environment and issues that Production Team is facing similarly Production Support team was not at all aware about Development teams activities that lacks coordination. with DevOps, team works together as a single team and automate all the manual processes like:
1. Code Management
2. Build / Integration
3. Unit Testing
4. ATDD/BDD Testing
5. Integration Testing
6. Configuration Management
7. Deployment
8. Monitoring
9. Reporting

Followings are DevOps Tool-sets:
1. Rally/JIRA
2. SVN/Git
3. Jenkins/Hudson/Bamboo/TeamCity
4. JUnit/TestNG
5. Selenium WebDriver/Cucumber
6. Shef/Puppet/Ansible
7. Artifactory
8. Blazemaster/JMeter
9. Nagios/NewRelic

You can learn about DevOps in depth by DevLabsAlliance.com There DevOps programs are best in class and they are providing following training’s:
DevOps Foundation Certification Course
DevOps Professional Certification Course

Categories: Blogroll

One Plus Three

Categories: Blogroll

Implementation of Singly Linked List in Java

October 9, 2015 Leave a comment
 * Implementation of Node Class
package com.sachin.datastructure;

 * @author skakkar
public class Node {
	protected int data;
	protected Node link;
	public Node(){
		link = null;
		data = 0;
	public Node(int d, Node n){
		this.data = d;
		this.link = n;

	 * @return the data
	public int getData() {
		return data;

	 * @param data the data to set
	public void setData(int data) {
		this.data = data;

	 * @return the link
	public Node getLink() {
		return link;

	 * @param link the link to set
	public void setLink(Node link) {
		this.link = link;

 * Implementation of Singly Linked List in Java
package com.sachin.datastructure;

 * @author skakkar
public class LinkedList {

	protected Node start;
	protected Node end;
	public int size;

	public LinkedList() {
		start = null;
		end = null;
		size = 0;

	 * Method to check if list is empty
	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return start == null;

	 * Function to get size of the list
	public int size() {
		System.out.println("Singly Linked List Size "+size);
		return size;

	 * Method to insert an element at begining
	public void insertAtStart(int val) {
		Node nptr = new Node(val, null);
		if (start == null) {
			start = nptr;
			end = start;
		} else {
			start = nptr;

	 * Method to insert an element at end
	public void insertAtEnd(int val) {
		Node nptr = new Node(val, null);
		if (start == null) {
			start = nptr;
			end = start;
		} else {
			end = nptr;

	 * Method to insert an element at given position
	public void insertAtPos(int val, int pos) {
		// Node that needs to be added at given position
		Node nptr = new Node(val, null);
		// Start node, after this new node has to be insert
		Node ptr = start;
		pos = pos - 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < pos; i++) {
			if (i == pos) {
				// Before this node new node has to be insert
				Node tmp = ptr.getLink();
				// setting up new linking between nodes for new node
			// Move to next node if condition not matched
			ptr = ptr.getLink();

	 * Method to delete an node from given position
	public void deleteAtPos(int pos) {
		// Delete First Node if position is first
		if (pos == 1) {
			start = start.getLink();
		// Delete Node from end if position is equal to size of list
		if (pos == size) {
			Node s = start; // end node
			Node t = start; // previous to end node
			while (s != end) {
				t = s;
				s = s.getLink();
			end = t; // setting previous node as end node

		// Delete Node from between two nodes
		Node ptr = start;
		pos = pos - 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < size-1; i++) {
			if (i == pos) {
				Node tmp = ptr.getLink();
				tmp = tmp.getLink();
			ptr = ptr.getLink();

	 * Method to display elements
	public void display() {
		System.out.print("\nSingly Linked List = ");
		if (size == 0) {
		if (start.getLink() == null) {
		Node ptr = start;
		System.out.print(start.getData() + "->");
		ptr = start.getLink();
		while (ptr.getLink() != null) {
			System.out.print(ptr.getData() + "->");
			ptr = ptr.getLink();
		System.out.print(ptr.getData() + "\n");

	 * Method to insert in linked list in next position
	public void insertNext(int val) {
		Node nptr = new Node(val, null);
		if (start == null) {
			start = nptr;
			end = start;
		} else {
			end = nptr;
	 * Method to reverse the linked list
	public void reverse(){
		if(start == null){
		Node current = start;
		Node after = start.getLink();
		while(after != null){
			Node tmp = after.getLink();// save next node that will come
			after.setLink(current);// reverse the pointer
			current = after;// move the cursor
			after = tmp; //the node after is one saved earlier
		start = current;

	public static void main(String args[]) {
		LinkedList head = new LinkedList();
//		head.insertNext(2);
//		head.insertNext(3);
//		head.insertNext(4);
//		head.display();
//		head.size();
//		head.reverse();
//		head.display();
//		head.size();
		// head.insertAtEnd(2);
		// head.display();
		// // list.insertAtPos(3, 0);

Implementation of Doubly LinkedList in Java

October 9, 2015 Leave a comment
* Implementation of Doubly LinkedList in Java
package com.sachin.datastructure.DoublyLinkedList;</code>

* Data Structure of Doubly LinkedList
class Node {
protected int data;
protected Node next, prev;

public Node() {
next = null;
prev = null;
data = 0;

public Node(int d, Node n, Node p) {
data = d;
next = n;
prev = p;

public void setLinkNext(Node n) {
next = n;

public void setLinkPrev(Node p) {
prev = p;

public Node getLinkNext() {
return next;

public Node getLinkPrev() {
return prev;

public void setData(int d) {
data = d;

public int getData() {
return data;


* @author skakkar
* 1) Create 2 reference variable and initialize them with
* reference of existing next and previous Node
* 2) Set prev and next of the new node
* 3) increase the size variable, as this is going to keep the size of the
* doubly link list
public class DoublyLinkedList {

public int size;
protected Node start, end;

public DoublyLinkedList() {
start = null;
end = null;
size = 0;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return start == null;

public int getSize() {
System.out.println("Linked List Size "+size);
return size;

public void insertAtStart(int val) {
Node nptr = new Node(val, null, null);
if (start == null) {
start = nptr;
end = start;
} else {
start = nptr;

public void insertAtEnd(int val) {
Node nptr = new Node(val, null, null);
if (start == null) {
start = nptr;
end = start;
} else {
end = nptr;

public void insertAtPos(int val, int pos) {
Node nptr = new Node(val, null, null);
if (pos == 1) {

Node ptr = start;
for (int i = 2; i &lt; pos; i++) {
if (i == pos) {
Node tmp = ptr.getLinkNext();
ptr = ptr.getLinkNext();

public void deleteAtPos(int pos) {
if (pos == 1) {
if (size == 1) {
start = null;
end = null;
size = 0;
start = start.getLinkNext();
if (pos == size) {
end = end.getLinkPrev();
// Delete between two nodes
Node ptr = start.getLinkNext();
for (int i = 2; i &lt;= size; i++) {
if (i == pos) {
Node p = ptr.getLinkPrev();
Node n = ptr.getLinkNext();

size-- ;
ptr = ptr.getLinkNext();

/* Function to display status of list */

public void display(){

System.out.print("\nDoubly Linked List = ");
if (size == 0){

if (start.getLinkNext() == null){

Node ptr = start;
System.out.print(start.getData() + " ");
ptr = start.getLinkNext();
while (ptr.getLinkNext() != null){
System.out.print(ptr.getData() + " ");
ptr = ptr.getLinkNext();
System.out.print(ptr.getData() + "\n");

public void reverse(){
while (start != null) {
Node temp = start.getLinkNext();
if (temp == null)
start = temp;

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
DoublyLinkedList list = new DoublyLinkedList();
// list.deleteAtPos(2);

// list.insertAtPos(2, 2);
// list.display();


What is Blocking Queue ? Why to use blocking queue in producer consumer problem and implement custom blocking queue?

September 6, 2015 7 comments

Java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue is a java.util.Queue that additionally supports operations that wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving an element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when storing an element.

A BlockingQueue does not accept null elements and throw NullPointerException on attempts to add, put or offer a null.

Java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue interface is part of Collection interface and its primarily used for producer-consumer problem.

BlockingQueue implementations are thread-safe. All queuing methods achieve their effects atomically using internal locks or other forms of concurrency control.

For Implementing custom blocking queue, we will use linked list and following methods are important to know:

  • put(E e): This method inserts the specified element into this queue, waiting if necessary for space to become available.
  • E take(): This method retrieves and removes the head of this queue, waiting if necessary until an element becomes available.


package com.sachin.threads.blockingqueue;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author skakkar
public class BlockingQueue<E> {
	private List<E> queue = new LinkedList<E>();
	private int limit = 10;
	public BlockingQueue(int limit){
		this.limit = limit;
	public synchronized void put(E item) throws InterruptedException{
		while(this.queue.size() == this.limit){
			System.out.println(" Waiting for Enqueue ");
		if(this.queue.size() == 0){
		System.out.println(" Enqueue "+item.toString());
	public synchronized E take() throws InterruptedException{
		while(this.queue.size() == 0){
			System.out.println(" Waiting for Dequeue ");
		if(this.queue.size() == this.limit){
		E val = this.queue.remove(0);
		System.out.println(" Dnqueue "+val.toString());
		return val;


Interview questions asked in Impetus Technologies Noida

December 22, 2014 2 comments

Recently I collected interview questions asked for 4-8 years of experienced Java professionals for Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead Positions.

Impetus Technologies was hiring Java Professionals for some Big Data Projects. They have asked variety of questions on Core Java, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services and Database concepts.

Interview starts with basic OOPs Concepts following with some advanced java concepts I am providing some list of questions If you recently appeared for the interview please share your questions as well. So, It’ll be helpful for the other job seekers as well.

Some Of the Questions are:

    • What is Singleton Design Pattern – how to do early and lazy initialization of object ?
    • Define Producer Consumer Problem?
    • Why use Blocking-queue in Producer Consumer Problem ?

Answer :- Java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue is a java.util.Queue that additionally supports operations that wait for the   queue to become non-empty when retrieving an element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when storing an element. Read More

    • How to create Immutable objects in java ?

Answer : – Immutable objects are those, whose state can not be changed once created e.g. java.lang.String, once created can not be modified. All fields of Immutable class should be final. Object must be properly constructed i.e. object reference must not leak during construction process and Object should be final in order to restrict sub-class for altering immutability of parent class. Read More

  • How to get frequency of each word in a paragraph of strings ?

Answer : – Use Collections.frequency() method to get the frequency of each word used in a paragraph. Read More

    • What is the connection between Object class’s clone method and Clonable Interface ?
    • How Hashmap works internally ?
    • What if we not implement Hash-code method during hash-map implementation ? As hashcode method is already written in Object class.

Answer : – Suppose I have this simple class

public class A{  
private String name;
private String data;

I want to put my class A objects into a HashMap. I will use the field name as the key, and the whole object as the value. We only need to implement hashCode and equals for the key type. as here we are using String Type as a key, String is immutable and always return same hashcode value. However you need to override them both if you are planning to use Class A as the key.

  • How can we pass shared resource in multi-threading environment. can we use any specific data structure to pass ?
  • generate random number without using Random class ?

Here I am providing important interview questions  to help you brush up your knowledge and prepare yourself to impress interviewer. Just like other interview questions posts, chances are that I will be adding more questions to this list in future, so you might want to bookmark it for future reference. I hope most of you are already aware with these basic concepts.

As of know I am not writing answers to these questions If you know answers of these questions please post them in comment section, I’ll include them also. If you guys needs any more clarification, I would be happy to post them here.

Keep Learning.

How to get frequency of each word in a paragraph of strings?

This question asked in Impetus technologies’s telephonic round. how to get frequency of each word in paragraph of strings?

package com.sachin.examples;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

public class WordFrequency{

	public static void main(String args[]){
		String paragraph= "ab bc ab bc abbbb bc ab cd ef bc bc ";
		String eachWord[]=paragraph.split(" ");
		ArrayList listEachWord = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(eachWord));
		LinkedHashMap numeach = new LinkedHashMap ();
		for(int i=0;i&lt;eachWord.length;i++){

output: {ab=3, bc=5, abbbb=1, cd=1, ef=1}

Threads In Java

July 30, 2013 1 comment


The java.lang.Thread class is a thread of execution in a program. A Java program can have many threads, and these threads can run concurrently, either asynchronously or synchronously. A thread is an independent path of execution within a program. Many threads can run concurrently within a program.

Multithreading means two or more tasks executing concurrently within a single program.

Following methods are member of Object and Thread class:

Object – notify(), notifyAll(),  wait()

Thread – sleep(), yield()

In the Java language there are two ways of creating a thread:

1. Implementing Runnable interface – java.lang.Runnable

2. Extending Thread class – java.lang.Thread

Runnable Interface signature:

public interface Runnable {

void run();


The run() method contains the logic of the thread. One way to create a thread in java is to implement the Runnable Interface and then instantiate an object of the class. We need to override the run() method into our class which is the only method that needs to be implemented.

Example of Runnable Interface implementation:

* ------- Copyright 2011 @ SolutionString.com All Rights Reserved -------
package com.example.thread;

* @author skakkar
public class RunnableExample implements Runnable
Thread runnableThread;

* Default
public RunnableExample()

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)

Thread threadObj = new Thread(new RunnableExample());

//starts the thread

try {
//delay for one second
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//Display info about the main thread


public void run()
System.out.println("----&gt; "+Thread.currentThread());




public void run () method is defined in Runnable interface and since java.lang.Thread class implements Runnable interface it gets this method automatically.

Now the question is “Which way of implementing Thread is better? Extending Thread class or implementing Runnable interface?”

– And the answer is implementing Runnable interface is better because in Java we can only extend one class so if we extend Thread class we can not extend any other class while by implementing Runnable interface we still have that option open with us. as java is not supporting multiple inheritance and java recommends programming to interface concept.

We have created a thread , Thread will not start until we call the start() method of java.lang.Thread class. When we call start () method JVM execute run () method of that Thread class into separate Thread other than calling thread.

Extending Thread Class

public void run () method is defined in Runnable interface and since java.lang.Thread class implements Runnable interface it gets this method automatically.

Example of extending Thread class:

 * ------- Copyright 2011 @ SolutionString.com All Rights Reserved -------
package com.example.thread;

 * @author skakkar
public class ThreadExample extends Thread

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args)
		ThreadExample threadObj = new ThreadExample();
//		threadObj.setName("Thread1");
//		threadObj.start();// It will throw IllegalThreadStateException


	public void run(){

Difference between web server and application server?

A Web server serves pages for viewing in a Web browser, while an application server provides methods that client applications can call.

The Web server

A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. When the Web server receives an HTTP request, it responds with an HTTP response, such as sending back an HTML page. To process a request, a Web server may respond with a static HTML page or image, send a redirect, or delegate the dynamic response generation to some other program such as CGI scripts, JSPs (JavaServer Pages), servlets, ASPs (Active Server Pages), server-side JavaScripts, or some other server-side technology. Whatever their purpose, such server-side programs generate a response, most often in HTML, for viewing in a Web browser.

The application server

As for the application server, according to our definition, an application server exposes business logic to client applications through various protocols, possibly including HTTP. While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a Web browser, an application server provides access to business logic for use by client application programs. The application program can use this logic just as it would call a method on an object (or a function in the procedural world).

Webserver is used only for jsp and servlets and for static functionality it has limited functionality and it doesn’t provide any security persistence and it doesn’t support EJB and JMS and JAAS like other functionality

whereas Application server provide all functionalities

In simple words, Application Server = Web Server + EJB Container

How To Create Immutable class and objects in Java

Immutable objects are those, whose state can not be changed once created e.g. java.lang.String, once created can not be modified.

Creating immutable classes in Java is becoming popular, because of concurrency and multithreading advantage provided by immutable objects. Immutable objects offers several benefits over conventional mutable object:
Especially while creating concurrent Java application.
Immutable object not only guarantees safe publication of object’s state, but also can be shared among other threads without any external synchronization.
JDK itself contains several immutable classes like String, Integer and other wrapper classes.
here are few rules, which helps to make a class immutable in Java :
1. State of immutable object can not be modified after construction, any modification should result in new immutable object.
2. All fields of Immutable class should be final.
3. Object must be properly constructed i.e. object reference must not leak during construction process.
4. Object should be final in order to restrict sub-class for altering immutability of parent class.

* Simplest way of creating Immutable class
package com.practise.immutables;</code>

* @author skakkar

//Class should be final to avoid immutability on risk due to Inheritance and Polymorphism
public final class ImmutableClass {

//Create all fields Final
private final String name;
private final String mobile;

public ImmutableClass(String name, String mobile) {
this.name = name;
this.mobile = mobile;

public String getName() {
return name;

public String getMobile() {
return mobile;


Advantages of Immutable Classes in Java
1) Immutable objects are by default thread safe, can be shared without synchronization in concurrent environment.
2) Immutable object simplifies development, because its easier to share between multiple threads without external synchronization.
3) Immutable object boost performance of Java application by reducing synchronization in code.
4) Another important benefit of Immutable objects is reusability, you can cache Immutable object and reuse them, much like String literals and Integers.